Little Flower Convent High School, Irinjalakuda

Little Flower Convent High School was established by the sisters of the Congregation of Mother of Carmel (C.M.C) in 1923 It is a large Congregation of sisters founded by Blessed Chavara Kuriyakose Elias,numbering above 6000working all over India and abroad. The charism of this Congregation is cotemplation in action'.CMC aims at the intellectual,social, economic, moral and spiritual formation of the people particularly of women and children, irrespective of caste, creed etc.
Little Flower School has been a pioneer in the field of education;always providing a healthy atmosphere conducive to the young minds to bringout their latient potentialities. Students are trained not only to attain academic excellence but also to imbibe and impart moral values and to become useful citizens. They are moulded and liberated into noble personalities through themotto -Wisdom & Liberation .
The CMC educational policy states that value formation is to education what the spirit is to the body. It is a training for the life time. Imbibing right values becomes an investment in personal attitudes and convictions. So our eductional mission takes the youth beyond facts and concepts to the level of the values. Care is taken to make educational process a tool for the cultivation of social, ethical and spiritual values which enable him or her to become an agent of social transformation.
Ample opportunities are provided to bring out the latent talents of the students. The literary Association Meetings and Manuscript Magazine Competitions reflect the creative talents of the students. School Youth Festivals, Sports Day, Different Club Activities, celebrations associated with Onam,Christmas, Teacher's Day, Keralapiravi etc. are venues which ensure the exposition and growth of the talents of the students. Classes imparting moral and spiritual values,mould and adapt the learners to shine and survive in the modernworld.
The school as it stands today is a self-sufficient , stately and promising institute. A glance at the milestones covered is ample evidence of the heights the school has scaled through the years.
If LFCHS is today, proud of being an educational institution wellknown for forming young girls of competence , it is mainly due to the untiring and dedicated service of a team of earnest and devoted personnel. Their sense of
responsibility and loyalty, devotion to duty, spirit of co-operation, deep cocern for every individual student and a personal touch in everything they do, has tremendously contributed to create and ambience congenial to successful learning and fostering a harmonious and cordial relationship between the staff and the students. The progress of the school has been stupendous in every direction. The school has offered responsible and worthy citizens to our motherland.
Little Flower Convent School situated in the middle of Irinjalakuda town wins the hearts of ample number of children regardless of caste and religion imparting knowledge.
Irinjalakuda - 680125, Thrissur Dist., Kerala
Phone :0480 2824368
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